Sunday, July 17, 2022

Ultrasound vs. Picasso


'The second one is easier,' is often said about having children. If the ability to make sense of the ultrasound images is any indication, the claim is false. In my eyes, brain surgery appears as complicated as identifying specific body parts on the screen. There's a class for new parents about everything from proper nutrition to how to change a diaper, but there should be one on how to decipher images on an ultrasound. Looking at an image of a fetus should not require the same brainpower that interpreting a Picasso does.

At our first ultrasound I was tempted to ask the technician if the building had an antenna because the screen looked like there was no connection to cable. The screen was all jumbled. With two babies in there, the chances are doubled that I could see an arm. There's four instead of just two, within a pretty confined space, but it's all just a blur to me. I don't wish to find out, but I don't think having an ultrasound with sextuplets would make any difference. 

I trust the professionals with the fact we are having a boy and a girl. No offense to my son to be, who is still really young and will grow, but I couldn't see anything down there. If I couldn't see an arm, I'm not going to see that.

Then at the end, the ultrasound technician gives us a collection of printed pictures. The images do at least provide me with something to study. I don't show them to anyone, because I can't explain them. I'm no photographer, and often have my finger in the pictures I take, but am at least able to identify what it's of.

Despite the challenges it presents I do enjoy going. It's an incomparable delight to see your offspring in the womb, I might not know what I'm looking at, but I know they are there. Plus, every now and then, if the angle is just right, I can make something out. I'm pretty sure I've seen both of their profiles. Furthermore, hearing their heartbeats and the sign of life it represents is magical.

Though I may not be able to see much of their ultrasoumds,I'm still certain that both babies are pure works of art. 

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